We love welcoming people of all ages to our church, and we currently have a number of babies, children and young people in our congregation.
During the Sunday morning service we often have a children's talk in the first half of the service. In the second half there is a crèche for 0-3s and Sunday School groups for 3 year olds up to Year 6.
Lots of regular groups and activities for children and young people are run weekly during school term time in conjunction with Grace Church Sandbach. These include:
- Sunday School (Children's Bible groups during sunday morning service)
- Little Fishes (Parents & Tots)
- Wheelers (Kid's club, reception to Yr 6)
- X-plorers (Kid's club, Yrs 5-7)
- YP (Youth Group, Yrs 7-13)
- Families@4 (Monthly fun Sunday service for young families!)
- Holiday Bible Club (Activity week in the summer holiday for primary school kids!)
Follow the links on the right for more information about all of our children's and youth activities.