We record and make freely available all WHBC sermons and Christian related talks.   Our latest selection is available for download below.  Further recordings are also available upon request - please contact our Web Administrator.

Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
The Tears of the King Tim Wilson 23rd April 2023 18.63 MB
2 Samuel 1
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
3 Reasons to Praise the Lord Tim Wilson 23rd April 2023 15.56 MB
Psalm 117
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
Christ the Cornerstone Tim Wilson 9th April 2023 19.13 MB
Psalm 118
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
When it's Hard to Love the Lord Tim Wilson 2nd April 2023 18.86 MB
Psalm 116
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
5 Distinctives of Worshipping the True God Tim Wilson 26th March 2023 18.76 MB
Psalm 115
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
The 3 Exoduses Tim Wilson 19th March 2023 22.59 MB
Psalm 114
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
The God who Stoops Tim Wilson 19th February 2023 19.82 MB
Psalm 113
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
4 Final Reminders for the Final Days Tim Wilson 12th February 2023 10.53 MB
2 Peter 3:14-18
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
Jesus' Return: What's taking so long? Tim Wilson 29th January 2023 9.28 MB
2 Peter 3:8-13
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
Who are you listening to? Tim Wilson 22nd January 2023 10.12 MB
2 Peter 3:1-7
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
False Teaching Unveiled Tim Wilson 15th January 2023 8.48 MB
2 Peter 2:17-22
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
3 Sins of False Teachers Tim Wilson 11th December 2022 12.42 MB
2 Peter 2:11-16
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
Judgement or Rescue Tim Wilson 4th December 2022 10.78 MB
2 Peter 2:4-10
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
5 warnings about false prophets Tim Wilson 20th November 2022 9.78 MB
2 Peter 2:1-3
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
Attention! God is Speaking Tim Wilson 6th November 2022 10.53 MB
2 Peter 1:19-21
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
Confirmed: Christ is coming Tim Wilson 16th October 2022 10.38 MB
2 Peter 1:16-18
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
Apostolic succession for Protestants Tim Wilson 9th October 2022 9.4 MB
2 Peter 1:12-21
Title Speaker Date Recorded File Size
If I'm saved by grace, why stop sinning? Tim Wilson 2nd October 2022 9.18 MB
2 Peter 1:9-11
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